Put simply, Rapid Transformational Therapy works by empowering the mind to tell the body what to do.
RTT® combines the most beneficial elements of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) that are known to really support a positive transformation in clients.
But it differs from all of these treatments because we access the memory and recall of your subconscious mind to pinpoint the limiting, and often destructive, belief that holds you back. This belief is something you formed, often a long time ago, and it has been working away below the surface guiding you to continue with behaviours and emotions that no longer serve you. Once identified, we work on letting go of the belief and replacing it with the empowering thoughts, images and beliefs you identify as wanting. Rapid Transformational Therapy is an award -winning therapy developed by Marisa Peer.
RTT® uses hypnotherapy to help you to access your subconscious mind. Many people are nervous of hypnosis because of what they see in films or stage shows. But, just as so many other parts of films are exaggerated or unlike real life, these are not a real portrayal of what hypnotherapy is. In stage shows the hypnotist carefully selects subjects who are willing to do whatever is suggested for the show - they subconsciously choose to act the way they do.
In a hypnotherapy session you also get to choose - and most people have very clear ideas about what they are prepared to do. You choose which ideas, suggestions and solutions are right for you. Your therapist cannot make you do or say anything you don't want to.
In hypnosis, you have access to the memory of every experience you have ever had - even if you have no conscious memory of it. Memories that can show you why you think, act and feel the way you do. Your mind also becomes much more responsive to suggestions – positive suggestions, that are planted in the subconscious mind like seeds; suggestions that you have discussed with your therapist and that will give you the change that you crave.
Listen to Marisa Peer, creator of RTT® talking about hypnotherapy and how it works