‘Healing is natural and non-invasive with the intention of bringing the recipient into a state of balance and wellbeing on all levels’ (NFSH Healing Trust)
Intuitive or spiritual healing is not linked to a particular religion. It is not faith healing – even very sceptical people can be healed.
Psychic healing is a type of spiritual healing that harnesses my intuition and psychic abilities to promote healing in the body, mind, and spirit. Psychic healing is a gentle and relaxing form of healing where you may also receive insights into your life. This type of healing can be done in person or as an absent healing where I work wi
Psychic healing is a type of spiritual healing that harnesses my intuition and psychic abilities to promote healing in the body, mind, and spirit. Psychic healing is a gentle and relaxing form of healing where you may also receive insights into your life. This type of healing can be done in person or as an absent healing where I work with my spirit guides to connect with your energy without being with you.
This therapy focuses on physical symptoms and pain relief. My guides help me to scan your body and channel our combined energy to identify where the pain originates, then to relax and release it.
I work hands-on with this therapy and am guided to the right places and to the right way to touch and move you to ensure that the healing is safe for you.
I am intuitively given the names of herbal and natural remedies to suggest to clients.
The healing benefits and any contraindications are carefully checked on the internet to ascertain why they have been given and how they may be of help, leaving the client free to make their own decision.
**please note that natural remedies are NOT prescribed and are suggested for the client to consider.
Virtual surgery & acupuncture are non-invasive and painless forms of healing. My guides recreate surgical procedures or place virtual 'needles' using only energy to effect change.
The client may feel some sensation (cold, heat, tingling, slight discomfort) though this is not always the case.
Meditation is great for clearing the mind of blocks and connecting with your higher self. You will be guided to an inner place where you can connect with the intuition, insight and clarity you need to bring about spiritual and emotional healing.
I work with intuition and hypnotherapy to find and clear beliefs and behaviours from past lives that are still influencing thoughts, beliefs and decision making in this life so that we can bring healing, closure and the ability to move forwards without barriers.
Healing can take place in person or remotely. If I am working remotely then, following your phone or Zoom consultation you don't need to do anything! You may experience sensation in the area I'm working on but you may not. I will ask for feedback to monitor progress.
If we're working in person, I will ask you to sit or lie with your eyes closed if you can, and I will help you to relax deeply. I will be guided to the right form of healing for you - this often changes throughout the session. Depending on how we are working, we may be talking together as I guide you, or I may be working in silence.
I will ask to place my hands on you – this is so I can powerfully connect my energy with yours. But if this makes you uncomfortable, please tell me as I can still work effectively without touching you.
During meditation work you will be guided to visualise – you simply allow the inspired colours, sounds and images to flow through your mind. We may discuss the images and their significance as you see them or afterwards.
During psychic healing, virtual surgery and intuitive healing for pain relief, you may feel heat, cold or tingling in the affected area, you may visualise a release.
Afterwards, you may feel very tired or emotional (this can last a few days) and you may feel increased physical discomfort if you have received intuitive osteopathy – but don’t worry this is a normal part of the healing process and it will right itself naturally.
*it is recommended that intuitive healing is used in addition to seeking medical advice and treatment